Submit Your Work

Gitelman & Good Publishers provides high-quality dramatic work for high-school drama programs. We believe that producing theater develops vital academic and social capacities–as well as creates lifelong memories. Our decisions are guided by doing what is best for the continued health of these programs, and we believe that there should be no cost or logistical barriers for educational drama programs to produce theater that matters.

If you are interested in submitting work for publication after reading this brief statement, please send your submission to Details are listed below.

Artistic Guidelines. Please consider the following artistic tenets of Gitelman & Good Publishers before submitting. We seek plays that:

  • Are appropriate for high-school actors and audiences.
  • Explore the vitality and complexity of the current moment.
  • Are challenging, beautiful, and fun.
  • Are not goofy, silly, zany, or didactic.
  • Are full-length (~60 minutes).
Author Information. Please provide a bio or resume that includes:
  • Name.
  • Email address.
  • Preferred gender pronouns (optional).
  • Artistic statement, endeavors, and/or goals.
  • Production history (optional).
  • Other relevant information (optional).
Writing Sample. Please provide the first ten pages or so of the script you’d like us to consider, as well as a short (~200 word) synopsis. Keep in mind the following guidelines:
  • The title pages do not count toward the ten-page limit.
  • The play formatting should be relatively standard.
  • The file type should be PDF.


Because of the volume of submissions we receive, we can respond only to work that we feel is in line with our company’s specific mission and artistic tenets. If we’d like to request a full copy of your play, you will hear from us within six months. If you don’t hear from us within six months, please know that we considered your work with great care. We appreciate your patience as we evaluate every submission.