A Shore of Abundance

A great high school drama play for teens entitled A Shore of Abundance by playwright Rosemary Pearl Moore with themes of fantasy, growing up, female-centered

A Shore of Abundance

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Genre: Fantasy, comedy, drama

Format: Live In-Person Performance

Keywords: Coming of Age, Swashbuckling Adventure, Reality vs. Fantasy

Cast Size: 6 (3 female, 3 male), optional extras

Duration: 90 minutes

Time Period: Present Day with Magical Elements

Cautions: None

Contact info@gitelmangoodpublishers.com with questions.

Eleanor Brooks is overwhelmed by the pressures from her family and the looming uncertainty of her future. Desperate for a way out, she creates a vivid fantasy where she is the fearless captain of her own ship—a pirate ship sailing through stormy seas. Along the way, Eleanor encounters sword fights, a rapping mermaid, and a dangerous sea witch who has her pirate father wrapped in her tentacles. But as Eleanor navigates this imaginary world, she must also confront the real-life fears and doubts that have her feeling trapped. Will she learn to steer her own course and find the courage to face her future? Set sail for a wild adventure in A Shore of Abundance, where fantasy and self-discovery collide in a thrilling high-seas journey!

How we price. We determine price by multiplying $10 (the cost of a paper script) by the number of cast and crew.

How you license. When you checkout, you simply select the number of times you'll perform the play in front of an audience ($65 per performance).

What you get. You receive an instant PDF download that you're licensed to use.